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Now on App Store

Find your next movie night hit with a fun, social twist! Perfect for parties or solo browsing, featuring multiple engaging ways to discover films:


Tinder-style Swiping

Swipe right on movies you love, left on ones you don't. Perfect for quick decisions!


Fortune Wheel

Can't decide? Spin the wheel and let fate choose your next movie adventure!


Scratch Cards

Reveal movie suggestions in a fun, scratch-card style interface.


Group Voting

Create movie polls and let your friends vote on what to watch next!

Movie Picker App Preview
Movie Picker App Preview

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Mobile shopping app with backend

React Native mobile shopping app built with Expo for a seamless development experience. The Nest.js backend, utilizing a MySQL database for data storage with TypeORM as the ORM, offers a secure and scalable foundation. Users can create accounts, manage them, and make secure in-app payments with Stripe. The app features a user-friendly interface wit .... read more

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Life App & GraphQL backend

Expo & React Native mobile app with Nest.js backend. Features include user authentication, creating reminders with tasks and images, expense tracking, creating secured notes with expo-authentication, creating your own workouts and exercises to track your progress. The app is powered by a GraphQL API provided by the backend server. The backend serve .... read more

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Marketplace website & Rest backend

E-commerce web app built with Next.js and TailwindCSS, featuring a Nest.js backend with a MySQL database and TypeORM. Users can authenticate with JWT tokens (Bcrypt for password hashing), manage accounts with purchase and sale history. Secure in-app payments are powered by the Stripe API. Manage favorite products with a dedicated list and enjoy fea .... read more

→ Tech stack
TechnologyTechnologyTechnologyRTK queryTechnologyTechnologyTechnologyTechnologyTechnology
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Website for recruiting company

Next.js website for a German recruiting company, designed and built to meet their specific requirements. Offers 10+ native translations (including Polish, English, German, and Arabic). Utilizes Yup & Formik for robust form validation. Data management and job offers are powered by a REST API provided by Ninox Cloud API. Optimized for performance and .... read more

→ Tech stack
TechnologyTechnologyTechnologyNext INTLAXIOS

→ About me
The Developer Behind the Code

Hi there! As a 21-year-old student from Poland, my passion for building things for the web blossomed during my five years in a programming-focused high school. While I gained foundational knowledge there, my self-driven nature pushed me to delve deeper. Today, I'm equipped with a diverse tech stack that allows me to navigate both mobile and web development landscapes. In the mobile realm, I'm comfortable crafting engaging applications with React Native and streamlining the process using Expo. For web development, my toolbox includes React for dynamic interfaces, Tailwind CSS for rapid styling, NextJS for performance and SEO, and Typescript for enhanced code maintainability and safety.

But my expertise extends beyond the frontend. I'm equally adept at building the backend with NodeJS and structuring its logic using NestJS. Additionally, I leverage the power of MySQL for data management and utilize TypeORM to simplify interactions with the database.


Work experience

June 2024 - Present• Cormo Software House
React & React Native developer

I develop and maintain React Native applications for iOS, Android, and TV platforms, focusing on creating new features and optimizing existing functionality. My daily work involves cross-platform development, and I have additional experience with native Android development using Kotlin modules, as well as web development using Gatsby and GraphQL.

January 2024 - April 2024• Visbro Personal Solution UG
React Freelance

I designed and developed a multilingual website using Next.js, working directly with the client to ensure their vision was met. The project featured seamless integration with Ninox database and full internationalization support. Acting as both designer and developer, I managed the entire project lifecycle from initial client consultation through to final deployment.

December 2022 - January 2023• Wirtualna Polska
Linux intern at WP

During my internship at Wirtualna Polska, I gained hands-on experience with Linux systems administration. I worked on virtual machine setup and management, learned Linux fundamentals, and assisted with various management systems. This experience provided me with a solid foundation in system administration and enterprise-level infrastructure management.

February 2022 - March 2022• Artneo
Web dev intern

As part of my internship at Artneo, I developed a full-stack marketplace application using Next.js for the frontend and NestJS for the backend. This hands-on project allowed me to work with modern JavaScript frameworks while implementing complete e-commerce functionality from user interface to server-side logic.

Educational background

2024 October - Present• University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Computer Science

Just embarking on my academic journey at UWM, studying Computer Science with a focus on expanding my existing programming skills and delving into theoretical foundations. As a professional developer continuing education, I'm particularly interested in the academic perspective on software engineering and advanced computer science topics.

2020 September - 2024 April• ZSEIT Olsztyn
IT Technician

During my 5-year technical high school education at Technikum, I specialized in programming with an intensive curriculum covering both theory and practice. Gained extensive experience in various programming languages and technologies including Java, Python, Android development, and web technologies like React and Node.js. The program provided strong foundations in object-oriented programming, algorithms, and modern development practices. Throughout the course, I worked on numerous practical projects, reinforcing my understanding of software development principles and preparing me for real-world applications.

∞• Online Platforms
Self Development

Continuously expanding my knowledge through various online courses and platforms, focusing on modern web development stack. Completed multiple comprehensive courses on React, Next.js, and Node.js development. Strong emphasis on practical learning and staying current with industry best practices and emerging technologies.