→ Project nameFlickMate - Movie Picker App
Mobile app for choosing movies with friends. Swipe right to like, swipe left to dislike. Match with your friends! Real-time updates with Socket.io. Scan QR codes to join the room. Built with Expo and React Native. The backend is built with Node.js and Express.js, utilizing Socket.io for real-time updates. The app is designed to be fun and engaging, with a modern and clean UI. Data is managed with Redux for efficient state management. Movies are fetched from TheMovieDB API. The app is designed and built by me from scratch with some inspirations from simmilar apps.
- Real time updates
- QR Code scanning
- Movie suggestions
- Playing with friends
→ Project stack
- Socket-io Frontend
- Express
- Socket-io Backend
→ Extra libs
React Nativeexporeduxaxiosreact-navigationreact-native-papernodejsexpresssocketio